Burbank, CA 91521-6369
I write letters to people and see if they reply or not. All of the letters are actually written on paper, posted, and sent. I'll also post replies I receive, if any.
Julia Roberts
C/O International Creative Management
Attn: E. Goldsmith
8942 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934
c/o HK Management
9200 Sunset Blvd. #530
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Dear Aerosmith:
You don't know me, but I have seen you once on TV. The thing is, I totally want a giant poster of Def Leppard. Unfortunately, I can't find any poster stores, and I can't find Def Leppard's home address. I figured you might know him and might be able to forward this request to his house. Thank you for any help you can provide.
I would like the poster to be really big, and I would like it to feature Def Leppard looking like he's rocking really really hard.
[My Name]
[My Address]
PS: I have included an extra stamp in this envelope so you don't have to pay for the postage to forward this.