Friday, February 20, 2009

Letter #12: Dolly Madison

Interstate Brands Corporation
Consumer Affairs
12 E. Armour Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64111

Dear a Zinger: It's quite possible that there are many people who are wondering why it is that I'm writing a letter to the makers of Zingers right now. Unfortunately, I'll never know whether or not this is true because I'm sitting in my room by myself doing the exact thing that they are wondering about.

I only have one complaint about Zingers and that is that I'm not eating one! They are so delicious! My second complaint is: Can I have a big picture of a zinger? It would probably just be sitting there on a table or something because after all it's just a cake-treat.

Please send this to me in the mail. Thanks!

[my name]
[my address]

1 comment:

lochan said...

My second complaint is: Can I have a big picture of a zinger?
